· student Name: Ayedh Salem Lahman Al Ameri
· Book Title: Lucky Break
· Writer: John Escott
· Publishing Company: Pearson Education Limited
· Date of Publication: 2002
· What is the genre of the book? (the kind of book- comedy, action, mystery etc.)?
Comedy and Action
· What is the setting of the story? (place)
This story happened in Los Angelos
· Who are the characters in the story? (important people or things)
1. Tom
2. Laurel Rowe’s : A movie stars
3. Hogo : Tom’s freind
· What is the conflict in the story? (the problem)
Tom wanted to take a photo with his favorite movie star
Laurel Rowe but he had a broken leg.
· What is the plot of the story? (the important events)
The important events are that there was football player who loved an actor. In a game he broke his leg. After a week Laurel Rowe come to the festival . The place was rush hour so the with pushed him on the move star and then he fell on her and she hit him by a stick. The photographer took a picture and Tom became famous
· How is the problem solved at the end of the story?
The photographer took a photo with Laurel Rowe beating
Tom . Then Tom became famous.
· What was the best thing that happened in the story? Why do you think so?
The best thing that happened in the story,was when Laurel Rowe went to Tom and she said sorry, because he fell down
· What is your opinion of the book? Give reasons.
My opinion of the story it is a beautiful story and it is a funny story.I like to read stories like this.